Mod perl apache 24 windows
Description > Mod perl apache 24 windows
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Description > Mod perl apache 24 windows
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This particular module has been tested with all versions of the official Win32 build between 1. The distribution comes with extensive documentation. Make sure that your program is executable by apache's user. If you are only running Perl on Windows machines, you can use the default location.
I booted and it came right uo, created the repository, and worked as it should. As you may have noticed, we use forward slashes instead of the backslashes that are used on Windows i. Also, to try Apache 2.
These Forums Have Moved - Make sure that your program is executable by apache's user.
I have successfull ran through the Makefile. Are i'm moving to the right direction?. Can anyone help me to continue with successful installation? I guess i can able to see all the lib files in my machine. Also, I have downloaded 'nmake' utility. But it's too failed while windowd />Replies are listed 'Best First'. This likely is Microsoft Visual C++ 6, if you're using an ActiveState build of Perl. I'll go through suggestion and i'll try once again. Thanx for your suggestion too. You do seem to have neither nmake. The lines about the missing libraries mean apachd Perl could not find those files, and chances are that they are not installed. If you read the it mentions where to get nmake under the first section titled 'The Basics of Module Installation'. The section of the documentation explains wincows to do in detial.